TCOM 632 - SP08

Digital Production

Monday, April 14, 2008

My notes from round one

Vince Martin – MMORPG real life is just a simulation.

Interesting concept. How can I get more health, I’ve had a cold lately.

It sounds like a lot of work and I am looking forward to seeing the finished product.

Matt Graf – DVD demo reel. If you are looking for a job as an animator, it looks great. If you are looking for a job in corporate, you might want it to look a little more business-like.

Liz Meyer – Cool title splash page…nice animation of ink spill (splash).

Good idea to tie in to corporate logo like on their business cards.

Richard – Back after tape heads get cleaned. History channel meets food network. Vodka and martinis. It’s fun to use the colors in lighting, but be careful when that color falls on people. The tinted fleshtone can make people look either feverish or sick. For recreating a bar, it should be pretty cool.

Eric - I missed the argument video while running for the head cleaner. Something with a cat.

John’s animation – Bugs…very complicated and I can understand how a major motion picture takes hundreds of people years to make.

Sam – Digital Storytelling Graduate Program Web Site. Looks pretty good. I especially like the international map page. It would be nice to have a place for student projects.

Jeff – Wow! I like the look of the site. It looks like the big time. The link to the iTunes is very familiar and I might have to subscribe. I like the logo type too.

Ding – Web site. I like the traditional Chinese seal, good cultural identification. I think I would enjoy looking at your photo gallery when finished.

Jake – Animator doodling gumdrop? Good tease, so I want to see more!


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