TCOM 632 - SP08

Digital Production

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Alpha Comments

VINCE- I like the idea of using of Dr. Chesebro's infamous lectures and basing a project on it.  The setup seems very straightforward and easy to use.

MATHEW GRAF-I agree that there is not enough contrast but otherwise nice.

ELIZABETH MEYER- Love the ink spill the best, definitely has a very fluid look to it.  A lot of effort is apparent.

ERIC- WOuld love to see where this is going, mystical cats are a fun teaser.  The editing is pretty smooth minus the obvious missing shot, it's a rough draft so i cant wait to see more.

The bug animation was impressive, definitely a bold effort for this class.

SAM-  A very worthy wesbite for the Digital Storytelling department.  Very detailed and informative.

JEFF-  The video of the roller coasters was very nicely shot.  It's not easy to successfully pan something that flies by really fast.

DING- The pictures are nice.

TIM- The budweiser graphic is very appealing.  I like the concept of a do it yourself concept to teach basic editing.

JAKE- I can't wait to see where this is going.  The lighting is definitely the highlight and gives me a somewhat film-noir feeling.  The production value looks very solid.


Blogger Unknown said...

Let get it started ... yeah yeah... let get it started.. yeah yeah... whoo hoo hoo... yeah! Thanks for your comment. I'm looking forward to this coming sunday for the real deal!

April 13, 2008 at 10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!

April 15, 2008 at 9:32 PM  

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