TCOM 632 - SP08

Digital Production

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Wonderful to see all the work on display. Here are a few of my accolades.

What I admire is how much goes on "behind" the scenes to accomplish what may seem simple to others for those of us learning a completely new area. Applause to those who jumped out of their primary skill area.

Thanks to all who then show us "how" you are doing what you are working on...I find the details very helpful in understanding the process better.

Helpful tips I learned: use the animation preset to send your quick time output from AE it does make a big difference in quality of output. Hope my project is in working order on Thurs. Had a time of reconstructing because of files going off line between my IBM transfer to Mac. I found a command that let's you link all the files before you leave not leaving them behind.

Kudos, Liz


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